Fundamental or central analysis is an analysis of a company’s position for investing and buying stocks. These reports are widely used, especially in the Forex and Futures markets and its focus is on profits, economic conditions, production, management and interest rates.


Technical analysis
Technical analysis of the market is a specialized technique for predicting market prices in the future. This prediction is based on past information and the current state of trading, prices and market buying and selling. This specialized forecast in the domestic and foreign exchange markets of the stock market, fluctuations in the price of the dollar, gold and other precious metals is very effective and practical.


Exchange basket management
Exchange basket management means controlling the trading, buying and selling stocks and bonds, and “etf” investment funds for those who has assets but don’t have specialty in the stock market to make a profit and increase their assets. This is done by expert analysts which is called exchange basket management by the use of the trading code of the owner of the basket and reports will be send to the investor.

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